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Our primary partnerships are with two Moldovan organizations.

CSC (Christian Student Community) focuses on university students and recent graduates. 

Invest Credit is focused on economic development using microfinance as a primary tool.

In addition, we appreciate other difference-makers who share in God's work in Moldova.

University Students and Recent Graduates

Kevin (IFES), Anatol (CSC), Gary, Peggy, Barrett (IFES)

IFES World Assembly 2007

(Official CSC affiliation with IFES)

CSC Bălți staff and students

Initial gathering of new academic year

Moldova’s location between Western/Central Europe and Eurasia leads to unique opportunities for Moldovans to serve the kingdom of God.

Rodica Rosior

relaxing with Peggy

Tim Vickers

IFES Europe Associate Regional Secretary

Leading a Graduate Impact workshop in Moldova

Economic Development using Microfinance

Another primary relationship in Moldova is with Invest Credit, the faith-based microfinance institution established and led by Moldovans whom we first met in 1997. This part of our work significantly depends on our relationship with PEER Servants, a group of primarily volunteers who partner with indigenous, autonomous microfinance institutions (MFIs) in Africa, Eurasia, and the Americas

Invest Credit leaders Ghena and Serghei

with Gary at Ricchari, the PEER Servants International Conference in Peru

Todd Engelsen

President, PEER Servants

A few of the others who are making a difference

Our relationship with InterVarsity has been a major factor in our spiritual development. Without InterVarsity we wouldn't have moved to and been supported in Moldova. For nine years after Moldova we were full time staff with InterVarsity, primarily at The Ohio State University. It was there we developed relationships with CGSA, the Ohio State fellowship of graduate students that has been partnering with CSC, sacrificially providing financial support for evangelistic outreach such as the annual CSC winter retreat. As volunteer staff we still have regular contact with InterVarsity Graduate and Faculty Ministry and InterVarsity Link (the latter encouraging student mission in Moldova and many other countries).

Visiting CGSA

Ohio State Graduate Students

In late 2012, we relocated from Columbus, Ohio to Holland, Michigan…where God continues to open doors for relationships with Moldova, in particular through connections with Hope College. Our relationship with Hope College professor Tom Smith resulted in a 2017 visit to Moldova for consultations and teaching with CSC and Invest Credit.

Tom Smith, Hope College Professor

(with appreciation to translator Marcela)

Speaking at joint Invest Credit—CSC event

in Balti,Moldova

God continues to connect us with men and women who have a common desire to see God’s kingdom come, his will be done, on earth as in heaven.

Moldovan Students

Demonstrating the O-H-I-O tradition

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